denture | 活動假牙|Craft|Hong Kong-1400
denture | 活動假牙|Craft|Hong Kong-1400

Removable dentures are a more traditional method of tooth replacement. The benefit of using removable dentures is that they are easy to construct and less preparation of neighbouring teeth is required, as well as no surgery is needed. The drawback is that it takes time to adapt wearing and is less comfortable and secure than dental implants and dental bridges.

Two types of dentures are available – partial or complete. Partial dentures are used when some teeth are missing but other natural teeth remain, whereas complete dentures are used when all teeth are missing.

Established in 2017, Craft is located in Central, Hong Kong. Craft focuses on aesthetic and restorative dental services namely: smile makeover, full mouth reconstruction, porcelain veneers, all ceramic crowns, dental implants, dental bridges, tooth whitening and tooth-coloured fillings. We also offer general dental services including: professional cleaning, tooth extraction, oral examination & oral radiography. Craft cares for your smile and your oral well-being.